Lavoro (s)velato

BADhOLE Video is a cultural association.
The spelling looks English, but the “h” is silent to make it sound like a local Piedmontese word, pronounced approximately Bah-dawl-eh, meaning something like “silly, foolish women”.

The 5 Ws of the Badòle with an h:

WHO: The BADhOLE were born in 2001 and became an association in 2010. We are a group of 5 militant, resistant and persistent women who can grow to 500 if necessary.

WHAT: We make ‘small films’ that give us great satisfaction. We talk about rights, women, work, discrimination and in general anything that makes us indignant. We try to do it in an ironic way because we think it is the most powerful, disruptive and surprising weapon. ‘A laugh will bury them’ goes the slogan that we have made our own.

WHERE: We think global and act local. In Turin.

WHEN: Whenever the need and desire to tell becomes more powerful and overbearing than our usual occupations.

WHY: Because it is the way we have chosen to share and tell, our very personal way of understanding and doing Politics.

(un)veiled work (2010) 3′ – fiction

‘Two women on the balcony (un)veil the truth: prejudice is often the most dangerous neighbour’.

From the Latin praeiudicium. I judge first. Before knowing, before learning. Often all it takes is to ask a question to avoid the pre-judgements on which stereotypes and clichés are built.

First place at CGILinCORTO 2011, topic ‘Women and work’
Winner of Zerotrenta Corto Festival 2011 in the section “Corto Rosa”
Best short prize at 2° edition of Muuh Film Festival

Cast: Giustina Iannelli: “the lady” – Marina Fodero: Fatima Okimè

Director: Silvia Novelli
Story: Lara Gastaldi
Screenplay: Lara Gastaldi and Milena Paulon
Photography: Simona Gamba
Live recording: Paola Cuniberti
Editor: Silvia Novelli
Original soundtrack: Les Sanspapier

Produced by: BADhOLE Video (2010)

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