The first meeting of “Europe, Plural, Feminine – EPF”

After the meeting, we kindly ask you to give us your opinion by answering this survey

  • Reference of the project: 101143820
  • Type of activity: Awareness-raising
  • Type: online
  • Title of the event: EPF – GLOBAL COMMUNITY MEETING 1

We are pleased to invite you to the first meeting of “Europe, Plural, Feminine – EPF”, which will take place online on 17th April from 15:00 to 16:30

The EU project EPF, which will organise a series of online and local meetings over the next two years, aims to contribute to raising awareness on the topic of gender equality in society. The project, which involves other partners from Italy, France and Spain, is funded by the European Commission (DG Justice and Consumers) under the CERV programme. 

At the first online meeting on 17th April, which will also present the EPF project in general, leading women from business and the public sector will share their success stories. Speakers include Sabine Röhrig-Mahhou, Managing Director of Wisamar Bildungsgesellschaft gemeinnützige GmbH (Germany); Mirian Izquierdo, President of the Woman Forward Foundation (Spain); Maria Caso Escudero, Madrid City Councilor (Spain); Paola Fabiani, President and Founder of Wisecom, Vice President of Medef (France) and Elisabeth Vargiu, Councillor for Tourism of the Municipality of Tempio Pausania in Sassari (Italy). 

Attendance at the event, which will be held in English, is free of charge, but registration is required via the following link

The event is aimed at female entrepreneurs, diversity managers, organisations, associations and other representatives interested in social responsibility

Further information on the project can be found on the LinkedIn page (here). 

We hope to see many of you among the participants! 

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